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Cattle, Lamb & Pork Carcass Competition
Prizes: 1st £50                             2nd £35                          3rd £25 
Judge:  Mr P Sargeant, Gayton, Staffordshire
Class 153                              Bullock, pure or crossbred, not exceeding 300kg - 10kg Tolerance
Class 154                              Bullock, pure or crossbred, not exceeding 400kg 5kg Tolerance
1st 821 Beechy & Corbett Warks LIMx UK200957201046. M. b. 21.2.22
Class 155                              Heifer, pure or crossbred, not exceeding 280kg 10kg Tolerance
Class 156                              Heifer, pure or crossbred, not exceeding 380kg 5kg Tolerance
1st 825 R R & M Lawrence Warks LIM UK200873300732. F.  b. 7.5.22
2nd 824 RE & SE Cartmail Staffs LIMx UK166667500845. F. b. 4.8.22
3rd 823 TB & S Cartmail Staffs LIMx. UK700735502587 F. b. 1.10.21
Class 157                       Heifer sired by a pure-bred Native breed, pure or crossbred
not exceeding 380kg (5kg Tolerance)
Class 158                      Bullock sired by a pure-bred Native Breed, pure or crossbred,
not exceeding 400kg (5kg Tolerance)         
Sp.87   The Mytton Perpetual Challenge Trophy for the best Bullock or Heifer carcass kindly presented by Mr A C Hunt.
825 R R & M Lawrence Warks LIM UK200873300732. F.  b. 7.5.22
Sp.88      For the Champion Overall Carcass:
a)                    The John Lloyd Perpetual Memorial Salver
b)                    £100 offered by Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society
825 R R & M Lawrence Warks LIM UK200873300732. F.  b. 7.5.22
Sp.89                      For the Reserve Overall Carcass:
a)                    The Bradshaw Bros Salver
b)                   £50 offered by Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society
824 RE & SE Cartmail Staffs LIMx UK166667500845. F. b. 4.8.22
            Judge:  Mr P Sargeant, Gayton, Staffordshire
            Judging will commence at 8.30am on Saturday.
            Prizes:                   1st £30                          2nd £20                          3rd £10                          4th £5
Class 159              Pure or Crossbred 14kgs +
1st 852 DS & LE Wadland Northants Beltex. Bred by exhibitor.
2nd 850 DS & LE Wadland Northants Beltex. Bred by exhibitor.
3rd 842 Madders & Johnson Staffs Beltex x. Bred by exhibitor.
4th 854 J Warren & V Hainsworth Lincs Rouge x Beltex. Bred by exhibitor.
Class 160 Pure or Crossbred 14kgs +
1st 857 R West Lincs Beltex. Bred by exhibitor.
2nd 853 DS & LE Wadland Northants Beltex. Bred by exhibitor.
3rd 841 Madders & Johnson Staffs Beltex x. Bred by exhibitor.
4th 856 R West Lincs Beltex. Bred by exhibitor.
Class 161 Pure or Crossbred 14kgs +
1st 846 DS & LE Wadland Northants Beltex. Bred by exhibitor.
2nd 832 S Booth Leics Beltex x. Bred by exhibitor.
3rd 851 DS & LE Wadland Northants Beltex. Bred by exhibitor.
4th 847 DS & LE Wadland Northants Beltex. Bred by exhibitor.
Class 162                           Pure bred Native, any weight.
1st 860 RO Cox Leics Southdown. Bred by exhibitor.
2nd 861 RO Cox Leics Southdown. Bred by exhibitor.
3rd 858 S Booth Leics Southdown. Bred by exhibitor.
4th 862 J Long Worcs Southdown.
                Sp.93      The Champion Lamb Carcass will receive:
                                                                (Carcasses from the live/dead classes are not eligible for this Championship)
a)                    The Barrett and Baird Perpetual Trophy kindly presented by
Messrs Barrett and Baird (Wholesale) Ltd
b)                    £100 from The Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society
846 DS & LE Wadland Northants Beltex. Bred by exhibitor.
                Sp.94      The Reserve Champion Carcass will receive.
a)          The Barrett and Baird Salver, kindly presented by Messrs Barrett and Baird (Wholesale) Ltd
b)         £50 from The Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society
857 R West Lincs Beltex. Bred by exhibitor.
Sp.95  The Beltex Sheep Society offer £100 to the exhibitor of the Champion Lamb Carcass and £50 to the reserve subject to it being sired by a Beltex Ram.
846 DS & LE Wadland Northants Beltex. Bred by exhibitor.
Kindly sponsored by A E Poxon and Sons
Prizes:   1st £30                                    2nd £20                                   3rd £10                                   4th £5
            Judge:  Mr P Sargeant, Gayton, Staffordshire
            Judging will commence at 8.30am on Saturday.
Class 163           Pure or crossbred dead weight 45kg – 105kg.
1st 873 D Thackray Yorks Pietrain. Bred by exhibitor.
2nd 874 D Thackray Yorks Pietrain. Bred by exhibitor.
3rd 868 M Horsley & Son Yorks Pietrain x. Bred by exhibitor.
Class 164           Pure or crossbred dead weight 45kg – 105kg.
1st 875 D Thackray Yorks Welsh x Pietrain
2nd 870 RAO Johnson & E Hewitt Derbys Bred by exhibitor.
3rd 871 RAO Johnson & E Hewitt Derbys Bred by exhibitor.
Class 165           Pure or crossbred dead weight 45kg – 105kg
1st 867 M Horsley & Son Yorks Pietrain x. Bred by exhibitor.
2nd 872 D Thackray Yorks Welsh x Pietrain. Bred by exhibitor.
3rd 869 M Horsley & Son Yorks Pietrain x. Bred by exhibitor.
Sp.97                      The Champion Pork Carcass will receive:
a)       The Alec Mercer Perpetual Challenge Trophy
b)        £15 kindly offered by The Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society
867 M Horsley & Son Yorks Pietrain x. Bred by exhibitor.
Sp.98                      The Reserve Champion Pork Carcass will receive £10 kindly offered by
                                                                The Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society.
873 D Thackray Yorks Pietrain. Bred by exhibitor.