General Information National Pedigree Calf Show Christmas Country Fair English Winter Fair Supper Ticket Information Show Gallery Beef Ribs & Saddle of Lamb
Entry Form
Livestock Schedule & Entry Forms English Winter Fair Results Pedigree Cattle Non Pedigree Cattle Section 2 Non Pedigree Cattle Section 3 Baby Beef Beef Championships
and Special Prizes
National Pedigree Calf Show Cattle & Sheep Young Handler Cattle, Lamb & Pork Carcasses Beef Ribs Competition Saddle of Lamb Competition Live Sheep RABI Sheep Competition Live Pigs Cereals & Hay/Haylage Poultry Competition Butchers Products Competition YFC Competitions Duke of Norfolk Competition English Winter Fair Map Sponsorship Trade Stand Information Catalogue Advertising Press Area
Live Sheep Section
Prizes:                     1st £30                                      2nd £20                                     3rd £10                                      4th £5 (Highest score)
Judges: Live Lambs:                              Mr A Glaves                                                                                           Carcass Lambs: Mr P Sargeant
To be judged at 9.30am on Saturday
Class 106                Three matching lambs, any breed or cross, total live weight of *90 -120kgs.
Lambs to be untrimmed.
1st 506 J Warren & V Hainsworth Lincs Rouge x Beltex. Bred by exhibitor. NFS
Class 107  Three matching lambs, any breed or cross, total live weight of 120kgs - 150kgs*. Lambs to be untrimmed.
1st 509 R West Lincs Beltex. Bred by exhibitor. NFS
2nd 502 RO Cox Leics Beltex x. Bred by exhibitor.
3rd 504 Madders & Johnson Staffs Beltex x. Bred by exhibitor.
4th 505 T Nicholls Staffs Beltex x Texel. Bred by exhibitor
5th 508 Madders & Johnson Staffs Beltex x. Bred by exhibitor.
6th 503 J Hares Shrops Shropshire
Judge: Mr A Glaves, Scarborough, North Yorkshire
Judging commences following completion of class 107 on Saturday
There will be a break in judging for lunch at 12.30pm. Judging will recommence at 1.15pm
Prizes:                     1st £30                     2nd £20                    3rd £10                     4th £5
Class 109              Southdown
1st 511 IT Davies & Son Powys Southdown. Bred by R Davies. NFS
2nd 512 J Long Worcs Southdown. Bred by exhibitor. NFS
3rd 514 N Page WSussex Southdown. Bred by Goodwood Estate Co Ltd. NFS
4th 515 N Page WSussex Southdown. Bred by exhibitor.
Class 110              Shropshire
1st 521 J Hares Shrops Shropshire
2nd 520 Coleman Family Shrops Shropshire. Bred by exhibitor.

Class 111              Texel (Sponsored by Texel Society)
1st 523 R Hall & Son Cumbria Dutch Texel. Bred by exhibitor.
2nd 525 R West Lincs Dutch Texel. Bred by exhibitor. NFS
3rd 524 C Timm NYorks Texel. Bred by exhibitor. NFS
4th 522 R Garth & S Priestley Lancs Texel. Bred by exhibitor.
5th 526 H & E Williams Carms Texel. Bred by exhibitor. NFS
Class 112              Jacob    
1st 535 T Lewis Shrops Jacob. Bred by T Lewis
2nd 534 T Lewis Shrops Jacob. Bred by J Lewis
3rd 540 Ridout & Higginson Ches Jacob. Bred by exhibitor.
4th 533 E Garratt Shrops Jacob. Bred by R Williams.
Class 113              Badger Face Welsh Mountain
1st 543 B Walker Cumbria Badger Face Welsh Mountain. Bred by exhibitor.
2nd 542 B Walker Cumbria Badger Face Welsh Mountain. Bred by exhibitor.
3rd 544 H & E Williams Carms Badger face Welsh Mountain. Bred by exhibitor. NFS
Class 114              Beltex   
1st 556 C Wright Lincs Beltex. NFS
2nd 553 C Timm NYorks Beltex. Bred by exhibitor. NFS
3rd 548 R Hall & Son Cumbria Beltex. Bred by exhibitor.
4th 547 R Garth & S Priestley Lancs Beltex
Class 115              Hill Radnor
1st 557 IT Davies & Son Powys Hill Radnor. Bred by EV Jones. NFS
2nd 559 M & E Stephens Powys Hill Radnor. Bred by DCL & CJ Williams. NFS
3rd 558 V Howells Hereford Hill Radnor. Bred by exhibitor.
Class 116              Blue Texel (Sponsored by The Blue Texel Society)     
1st 561 P & L Calcraft Devon Blue Texel. Bred by exhibitor.
2nd 563 IT Davies & Son Powys Blue Texel. Bred by L Davies. NFS
3rd 564 S Long Worcs Blue Texel. Bred by exhibitor.
4th 565 S Long Worcs Blue Texel.
Class 117              Badger Face Texel
1st 571 Riverside Badger Face Texels Derbys Badger Face Texel
2nd 570 J Clamp Derbys Badger Face Texel
3rd 573 R, H & J Wood NYorks Badger Face Texel. Bred by J Wood.
4th 572 A Thompson Lancs Badger Face Texel. Bred by exhibitor.
Class 118              Ryeland / Coloured Ryeland
1st 574 IT Davies & Son Powys Ryeland. Bred by A Davies. NFS
2nd 578 S Shenton Staffs Coloured Ryeland. Bred by exhibitor. NFS
3rd 576 EJ Pinches Staffs Ryeland. Bred by exhibitor. NFS
4th 577 S Shenton Staffs Coloured Ryeland. Bred by exhibitor.
Class 119              Any Other Native Mountain Breed    
1st 590 H & E Williams Carms Llandovey Whiteface. Bred by Davies Bros. NFS
2nd 581 IT Davies & Son Powys Beaulah Speckle. Bred by GL Davies. NFS
3rd 592 R, H & J Wood NYorks Scotch Black Face. Bred by WM Cook.
4th 585 B Roberts & D Hughes Denbs Black Welsh Mountain. Bred by exhibitor. NFS
Class 120              Any Other Native Breed
1st 594 IT Davies & Son Powys Suffolk. Bred by GG Lewis. NFS
2nd 597 D Heath Ches Hampshire Down. Bred by CR & JR Hurst.
3rd 593 A Clough Cumbria Hampshire Down. Bred by Z Clough. NFS
4th 598 N Pagett & G Bretherton Lancs Derbyshire Gritstone. Bred by G Bretherton. NFS
Class 120A            Kerry Hill
1st 601 N Pagett & G Bretherton Lancs Kerry Hill. Bred by N Paggett & R Price. NFS
2nd 600 R Garth & S Priestley Lancs Kerry Hill
3rd 603 G & H Skelton Lancs Kerry Hill
Class 121              Any Other Continental Breed
1st 606 B Roberts & D Hughes Denbs Rouge. Bred by C & W Phillips. NFS
2nd 605 JDR & JL Corbett Glos Dutch Spotted. Bred by exhibitor.
3rd 604 R Armstrong Herefords Charmoise Hill.
TRIMMED BUTCHERS’ LAMBS – (These classes have been supported by G & R Roobottom)
Class 122              Pair Wether Lambs
1st 609 P & L Calcraft Devon Beltex x. Bred by exhibitor.
2nd 613 R Hall & Son Cumbria Beltex x. Bred by exhibitor.
3rd 617 R West Lincs Beltex. Bred by exhibitor. NFS
4th 615 A Thompson Lancs Beltex. Bred by exhibitor. NFS
Class 123                             Pair Ewe Lambs
1st 624 A Hill Somerset Beltex. Bred by exhibitor.
2nd 623 R Hall & Son Cumbria Beltex x. Bred by exhibitor.
3rd 628 J Warren & V Hainsworth Lincs Beltex x Rouge. Bred by exhibitor. NFS
4th 629 R West Lincs Beltex. Bred by exhibitor. NFS
These classes have been supported by CCM Auctions, Skipton, North Yorkshire
Class 124                                 Pair Lambs, total weight to be no more than 70kgs
1st 631 R Armstrong Herefords Beltex. Bred by exhibitor.
2nd 632 JDR & JL Corbett Glos Dutch Spotted. Bred by exhibitor. NFS
3rd 635 Abbotsholme School Staffs Beltex x. Bred by exhibitor.
Class 125                                 Pair Lambs, total weight to be over 70kgs and not exceeding 80kgs
1st 639 R Hall & Son Cumbria Beltex x. Bred by exhibitor.
2nd 636 R Armstrong Herefords Beltex. Bred by exhibitor.
3rd 643 R Armstrong Herefords Beltex. Bred by exhibitor.
4th 638 R Garth & S Priestley Lancs Beltex x
Class 126                                 Pair Lambs, total weight to be over 80kgs and not exceeding 90kgs
1st 647 R Hall & Son Cumbria Beltex x. Bred by exhibitor.
2nd 652 R West Lincs Beltex. Bred by exhibitor. NFS
3rd 644 P & L Calcraft Devon Beltex x. Bred by exhibitor.
4th 641 R West Lincs Beltex. Bred by exhibitor. NFS
Class 127                Pair Lambs, total weight to be over 90kgs and not exceeding 100kgs
1st 650 C Timm NYorks Beltex x. Bred by exhibitor
2nd 655 R Hall & Son Cumbria Beltex x. Bred by exhibitor.
3rd 658 C Wright Lincs Beltex. NFS
4th 651 J Warren & V Hainsworth Lincs Beltex x. Bred by exhibitor
Class 128                Pair Lambs, total weight to be over 100kgs
1st 661 R Hall & Son Cumbria Beltex x. Bred by exhibitor.
2nd 657 R West Lincs Beltex. Bred by exhibitor
3rd 649 A Thompson Lancs Beltex.Bred by exhibitor
4th 662 C Timm NYorks Beltex x. Bred by exhibitor. NFS
Class 129                Pair Lambs, any weight, sired by any breed other than any type of Texel or Beltex
1st 669 J Warren & V Hainsworth Lincs Rouge x. Bred by exhibitor. NFS
2nd 660 JDR & JL Corbett Glos Dutch Spotted. Bred by exhibitor.NFS
3rd 625 Peaky Pedigree Livestock Leics Southdown x.
4th 664 M Benson Cumbria Charolais x Jacob. Bred by exhibitor.
Class 130              NOVICE SECTION – (This Class has been sponsored by Barbers Auction LLP)
Pair of exhibitor bred untrimmed lambs from an exhibitor who has not come 1st at a previous EWF in the Live Sheep Section excluding the Live/Dead classes, any weight, any breed
1st 677 J Robb Bucks Beltex. NFS
2nd 673 L Hill Somerset Beltex. Bred by exhibitor.
3rd 674 S Long Worcs Southdown x Blue Texel. Bred by exhibitor.
4th 678 C & H Smith Staffs Blue Texel
Class 131                               YOUNG FARMERS CLASS  - This Class has been sponsored by R, R & M Lawrence
Pair of lambs, exhibited by a current YFC member. Any weight or breed. Untrimmed. YFC membership card to be produced at the Show.
1st 685 A Skelton Cumbria Beltex x. Bred by R Hall  
2nd 687 A Thompson Lancs Beltex. Bred by exhibitor. NFS  
3rd 684 A Hill Somerset Beltex. Bred by exhibitor.  
4th 682 L & R Garth Lancs Beltex x. Beltex x
Class 132                                 SCHOOL CLASS
                                                                                                    Pair of lambs, exhibitor to be 18yrs and under. Any weight or breed. Untrimmed.
                                                                                     The animals shown being from the school concerned.
1st 691 Thomas Alleynes High School Staffs Charollais x
2nd 696 Thomas Alleynes High School Staffs Texel x
3rd 698 Thomas Alleynes High School Staffs Texel x
4th 693 Thomas Alleynes High School Staffs Beltex x