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Entry Form
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The following options are ways in which you can help the Staffordshire and Birmingham Agricultural Society in it’s aim to promote Agriculture and the British Meat Industry.
Trade Stand Support at the Show A Separate Application form is available with full information on prices, etc.
Advertising Full details of various options for advertising are attached.
Sponsorship Sponsorship allows the Society to reward exhibitors directly with enhanced prize money, etc.and gives your Company a useful introduction to potential customers.
· Carcass Sections - Any contribution to the total staging costs and prize money for the section. (total required: £4,000.)
· Beef Cattle - Class Prize Money - from £190 per Class
· Live Sheep - Class Prize Money – from £65 per Class
· Live/Dead Lamb Class - Class Prize Money - £60
· Hay Competition - Prize Money - £60
· Cereals Competition - Prize Money - £150
· Young Farmers Stock Judging & Carcass Judge of the Year - Competition Staging Costs - £1,200
· Herdsmen’s Supper Entertainment - £540
· Erection of Adverting Banner - £30 per metre length around the hall.

Sponsorship Packages Available:

Amount of Sponsorship & Benefits

£250 to £499 + VAT
Two complimentary Show admission tickets for every £250 of sponsorship
A complimentary lunch for two in the Sponsor's Dining Room including a two course lunch with wine, tea and coffee
An opportunity to present sponsored prizes to exhibitors
Promotion over the PA system during the Show.
Two complimentary tickets for the bacon bap brunch on Sunday morning for every £250 of sponsorship
Sponsor's name in the catalogue

£500 to £999 +VAT
All the benefits of the Bronze Package plus
Complimentary one page advertisement included in the Show Scedule

£1000 and Over + VAT
All the benefits of the Bronze Package plus
Two complimentary one page advertisement in the Show schedule and catalogue.
Erection of one banner around the balcony area.
Opportunity to hang a banner from the roof in Bingley Hall (provided the banner is available at the Showground 14 days before the Show)
Sponsor's logo on the EWF backdrop board